20 May 2024

The Allan Labor Government is keeping the legacy of Victoria’s veterans alive for future generations, by maintaining memorials and upgrading community buildings right across the state. 

Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh today announced that Briagolong RSL Sub-Branch will receive $18,135 under the Veterans Capital Works Program, as one of 34 community groups to share in $890,000. 

The grants will support local organisations to conserve and maintain war memorials and honour rolls, update sites to reflect veteran service, and improve facilities and buildings in every corner of Victoria. 

The Veterans Capital Works Program supports building and facility improvements for not-for-profit organisations, with this round of grants investing in 20 organisations across the state. 

The Restoring War Memorials and Avenues of Honour Program is available to community groups to conserve and maintain war memorials, honour rolls and avenues of honour, with fourteen groups to share in those funds as part of this round of the program. 

The Labor Government has made record investments of more than $60 million over the last four years that support and recognise veterans and their families. 

These investments include the groundbreaking Veterans Card Victoria, the Veterans Employment Strategy, and the Recognition of Prior Learning Pilot in partnership with Wodonga TAFE. For a full list of grant recipients and veteran grant programs, visit 

Quote attributable to Minister for Veterans Natalie Suleyman 

“We’re restoring and upgrading memorials and community buildings – to preserve the stories, history and value of Victorian veterans and their loved ones.” 

Quote attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Tom McIntosh 

" It's so important to deliver great facilities for both veterans and the general community to use across our towns.” 

“I'm proud we can support Briagolong RSL through this grant to ensure these facilities are upgraded.” 

Quotes attributable to Briagolong RSL Sub-Branch Treasurer Trevor Gartung 

 "This funding will allow us to make the RSL Log Cabin safer." 

"We'll also be able to upgrade lighting and install an air conditioner for the facility."